Manufacturers of High Intense Ethnic Flavours, Flavour Specialities, Natural Food Ingredients, Flavour bases, Raw materials.
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Artificial Sweeteners

Rupins House of Flavors & Fragrances / Artificial Sweeteners


Artificial Sweeteners

SWEET QUEEN is a mixture of permitted and regulated artificial sweeteners which matches the taste of sugar in final beverages, soft drinks and sodas etc.
Dosage: 10 gm is equivalent to 1 kilo sugar in terms of sweetness.


SUGAR FREE ADDITIVE for diet foods like Mithai, Basundi, Biscuits, Sauces etc
A blend of artificial sweeteners permitted under fssai and regulated with usable quantities. Taste of sugar. 10 g is equivalent to 1 kilo Sugar in sweetness


Sugar consumption must be restricted from childhood to avoid obesity, diabetes, cardiac-ailments. The high world population of diabetics and cardiac ailments can be controlled only with low consumption of sugar from early life.


Manufacturers of safe compounds regulated by JECFA / CODEX.
FSSAI Licence No: 10019022009158


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